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No sound on DTV and Netflix sounds garbled on most shows- KD55XE9005 (but works in menus!!)

No sound on DTV and Netflix sounds garbled on most shows- KD55XE9005 (but works in menus!!)



i have a very weird issue on my KD55XE9005, which was present before I did the latest software update.


I use the standard TV built in speakers but I’ve also replicated the same issue with headphones on the physical jack and Bluetooth headphones.

So in the past few days I’ve had the following weird behaviour.


1) no sound on the tv (usual digital tv guide) it’s as if it’s muted but it isn’t.
2) Netflix shows that are quite recent have a very distorted sound so basically sounds like gibberish
3) older Netflix shows work fine and sound normal - can’t really put a date on shows but seems most 2022 ones sound garbly
4) tv menu system sounds work fine
5) no audio in other apps except YouTube (that seems to work ok) 

6) Sonys built in picture/ sound self diagnostic works fine


I’ve tried resetting the sound to default settings, updating system software, power off and on cycles, unplugging from wall etc and nothing fixes it.


I’m a bit lost with this as the fact that some older Netflix shows using the built in Sony / android app sound fine makes me think it’s software rather than hardware ? Any ideas???

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