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Problem with KD-65AF9


Problem with KD-65AF9

Hello, I'm French so I'll use the translator to describe my problem.
I have the Bravia Oled KD-55AF8.
I tried to turn it off with Google as I always do, but it didn't turn off.
So I turned it off with the remote control.
The next day, I tried to turn it back on and it said SONY and then I got 4 little circles in a row, in red, green, yellow and blue, animated in the center of the screen.
Then I can't do anything.
The TV keeps turning on and off.
Could you please help me?
Thank you very much. Sylvie



Je suis italien, et de français que j'ai étudié en moyenne, je me souviens peu et rien, donc le traducteur Google pour moi aussi ...

Essayez de déconnecter le téléviseur de l'alimentation pendant un certain temps, si cela ne suffit pas pour résoudre une restauration forcée avec les boutons derrière le téléviseur, le vôtre en a trois, alors suivez la procédure au lien en choisissant celle de la télévision avec trois boutons:



I am Italian, and of French that I studied in the average I remember little and nothing, so google translator for me too ...

Try to disconnect the TV from the power supply for some time, if that's not enough to solve a forced restoration with the buttons behind the TV, yours has three so follow the procedure at the link by choosing the one for TV with three buttons:

Community Team

Hi @Mounier, try the forced reset as explained in the link above if the normal reset doesn't work. The manual buttons on your TV can be found here (page 7)