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Why are there no small phones?


Why are there no small phones?

Hi, I'm using XZ1 compact. It's starting to age - randomly restarts, doesn't show caller id etc.. So I'm searching for an new, same sized or smaller alternative and found none. Why is that? I get asked SEVERAL TIMES EVERY MONTH what model is my phone because so many people are going through the same search - an Android phone that fits in your hand and pocket. But there is currently no such thing on the market. The only alternative atm are devices running iOS. If I could flash Android over an Apple phone, I'd go for it, but I cannot and iOS just doesn't suit my needs.
Some say it's a battery issue. Well, make the phone thicker. No one would mind a few extra millimeters if it meant that you can still control your phone with one hand.
The more likely explanation seems to be that manufacturers want phones to break faster and small, bulkier phones don't do that. So just do what Apple does and make the phones run slower and cameras take worse pictures with every software update. Just give us a palm-size phone again.. and I'm saying that as a man with large hands. I can literally hold and control a tablet in one hand. But it's just not comfortable and practical not for someone with an active lifestyle, who uses their phone as a tool and not an entertainment center.

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I'd say the closest thing to your phone would be the rest of the XZ series, the XZ2 or the XZ3. They are really good phones.