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Sony Bravia - HDMI Sound issue


Sony Bravia - HDMI Sound issue

Hi All,


I have a Sony Bravia KDL-42W635A, this has been working perfectly until a couple of days ago. I was watching a recorded program on my Virgin TiVo box, then all of a sudden the picture went fuzzy (like when a VGA cable was loose on a computer) and the TV then turned off. After the TV started again, the picture on the HDMI connections is fine but there is no sound. I know there is sound on the TV as Youtube works fine. I also know the HDMI cables are working fine because I am currently using an old TV. I also noticed that the hard drive I had connected was also not being detected. I reset the TV back to factory settings and went through the set up again, still no joy 😞 


Can someone please help?




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Hi there


It sounds like the issue is to do with the TIVO box to be honest.  Have you tried rebooting the TIVO box.


Also have a read through this thread, as it may help:




Hi Quinnicus,

I did reboot the TiVo box at the time this happened, but with no luck. How
would I be able to confirm it was the TiVo box? because as I said I am not
getting volume from any HDMI port or device, plus my USB hard drive is also
not being detected (although it is getting power). Also all devices are
working properly on another TV.

Not applicable

Hi there


You said this happened all of a sudden.  Did you have a power issue?  Thunderstorm perhaps or anything like that?  Just reading back your problem, and now wondering on the cause, or likely cause.  Any powet issues could have shorted something out inside.

