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hi Guys.. finally I got my vaio a115b back from assistance. freshly updated to winxp home sp2, and changed dvd-rw charger and monitor inverter (it was working well but they preferred to change it.. maybe it was bugged and I hadn't noticed it!).
anyway.. everything well except for hard disk speed... only 4200 rpm. therefore I ask you. is there a way to change hard disk on vgn a11x? and if there is a way to do it.. is there someone who has tried to update it with a Fujitsu MHT2100AH 100GB ??
thanks a lot 4 replies.
You should be able to change the DVD/CD drive, HD drive and RAM on any laptop, although you have to look carefully at compatibility. When I upgrade and I'm not sure, I tend to email the company and ask them if it will work. That way if it doesn't I can blame them lol. It never hurts to be sure either.
Last time I looked the Hitachi 60Gb 7200rpm was the fastest you could get.
Could you make do with 60Gb?
There are no drives faster than 7200 for a laptop.
I think 80s the limit for space too, though Toshiba are talking of 100GB disks by Q1 of 2005