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I have a sony laptop running on Window ME and Sony desktop runninG wINDOWS xp. I have attached them together using a cross over ethernet cable and tried to creat a home netwrk. Everytime there is no computrer shown on My Network list. Should I attach them by the Link cable.
I have tried direct link cable by the LP port and although it shows the two linked, I am unable to view either computer. Help
Did you run the Home Networking Wizard on XP? Usually this helps you do it perfectly.
Remember to share a folder on your PC, but only with the network.
Thanks, I did use the Windows XP and created a networking disk and used that on my laptop, I thought I had shared all the necessary folders on my desktop. I am obviously not sharing the folders right. Do I need to create a shared folder on the network ? I am a novice when it comes to networking. I would like to be able to access documents on my laptop from my desktop PC. The laptop is a PCG FX series and my desktop a PCV-RS322. I though they would be easy to connect and share both being Sony Vaio machines.
Drag the desired folder you want to share on the network into "shared folders".
This is usually C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\