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High pitched annoying noise/Unerträgliche Laute


High pitched annoying noise/Unerträgliche Laute

Hi there,

I have a S4XP Notebook and the following problem: when I cold start the Notebook I hear an annoying high pitched sound from the speakers (pretty loud). It dies when I pass the windows XP pro login.
The noise doesn't come up when I wait before booting staying with the BIOS password screen. Sometimes the noise is also there when I operate windows programs with sound. I tried to solve the problem by updating the sound drives directy from Realtek but it had no positive effect. I switched off the starting sound in the BIOS. No effect. To me as a technical novice it seems like there might be an eletronic interference in the Notebook itself.

Has anybody experienced something similar? I don't want to send in the computer just for that problem.

Thanks for any response
