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No sound from my V1. All usual volume controls checked and re-checked. No mute buttons activated. No sound from head phone socket. Anybody got a clue.
Noted a similar post shown but no outcome has been posted.
Question posted with sony e-support just a few minutes ago.
Who can provide an answer the quickest?:smileypraying:
Apparently there's a button on the side of the unit which turns off the speakers.
Where. Left or right, Monitor or key board.
Only buttons visable are 'connect' for the Wireless connection of keyboard and mouse. 'on-off' and the one to release the PC-card.
:smileygrin: Sound Back on!!!!!!
Possibly 1 solution but it is one of two listed below.
From 'Control Panel'
Select 'Sounds and Audio Devices'.
Select 'Hardware'.
Highlight 'sound max intergated digital audio'
Click 'Trouble shoot' button at bottom of window.
Follow options and questions.
I was halfway through this and switched on Sonic stage and there was music!!!!
Even with the volume slider at max the sound was still a lot lower than normal.
I went back into 'Sounds and Audio Devices'
selected the 'Advanced' button.
in one of my past 'futile desperate click anything to try and get sounds attempts' I had moved one slide which was down at zero called 'WAVE' up slightly. This also controls volume and now I have full volume back.
As an aside if you have kids and they play there music too loud on there pc maybe you could knock wave down on thier pc and get a bit of peace and quiet.
Glad you got it sorted.
i dont know if the volume control is on the side of the v1 kee, i was on about the w1 in the other post and they are 2 very different machines...
probably someone can let us know for the record..
is there a manual volume control on the left side of the V1? cheers
No manual control on the V1 apart from the specific up/down and nute buttons on the keyboard.