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Replacement HDD and Battery?


Replacement HDD and Battery?

Im wondering if it is possible to replace my puny internal 40gig HD with a larger unit, hopefully in the region of 3-4 times my 40gig capacity. Also is it possible for a replacement to be of a higher rpm than my current which seems slow at 4200 rpm? it kinda feels like the responsivness of my pc from 5-6 years back. Secondly i would also like a new battery, My cousin has just moved to tokyo, so i wondered if HDD and Battery replacements via him would be a compatible and cost efective solution.
..btw i understand that an external drive is a very viable option , but one that id like to do as well as, not instead of.
Thank you for any advice and if you not seen any of my snowflakes, then a happy new year(late i realise) to all!
Jono :slight_smile:


Hey Jono

Yeah you can get a 120GB 7200RPM disk now, but it's not cheap here. Unless you had it fitted in Tokyo, then the customs would want tax off you, same for the battery, so use it when you're there.

As for having it sent over, I can't quite remember if a document has to be filled in for customs.

Could always check the custom and excise website.... good luck with that LOL


Hi there keelo :slight_smile:

Yeah, thats what i was thinking, more hassle than its worth with customs forms, charges etc... Ill probably get a replacement hd over here, and wait 'till i go for a visit to get a cheaper battery from japan (cause i can wait for that). 120gb @ 7200rpm sounds fan-tas-tique next to 40@4200. "Damn", gonna have to go to Tokyo now, what a bummer:smileygrin:

Cheers anyway,:smileyhappy:

You could venture into the US of A as the dolar is a little weak


Hmm, yeah
no i was really being sarcastic cause visiting mike would obviously be a good thing to do anyway, as hes far away, so the fact that i may get a few quid off some bits would be tertiary to the fact... Obviously to visit Japan would be AWESOME in its own right! :slight_smile:
I really am terrible at e-communications, I can never portray my actual tone of voice/thought/feelings/, whatever. ie

"Damn", gonna have to go to Tokyo now, what a bummer
meaning a sort of comedy twisted arm thingy... god i hate computers...
I love computers tho...

Cheers for the advice tho, you lot are always so quick on the draw with advice n answers n general postage. Its cool, like some immensely high quality collective answer bot! Where d'you all get your ( not necessarily ref to this thread but) get your seemingly encyclopeadic knowledge from? NEway its well appreciated, but you do realise that the more you answer questions, then the more I'll realise that you will answer questions, so the more questions will get generated in my head... :slight_smile: OK ttfn

btw "Mike" being my cous.


Secondly i would also  like a new battery

i got a new battery from the USA -

worked out cheaper and it was here within a few days.

Haha Jono I have the same problem, people say to me "so, was that a joke........?" and I say "ummmmmmm yeah"

I'd love to go to Japan, maybe one day...............

Well I have been dealing with computers since I was 9, and have been working with them for 17 years then............... wow