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I have bought Sony S5XRP- perfect laptop except problem with sound.
The plastic details of notebook sound with speakers on 1 KHz.
Sometimes I hate this.
I hope someone suggest to me what to do without destroying of computer.
I tried different absorber materials but it is looking no good!:smileyconfused:
I'm not really understanding your post
Have a look at my website under the elektronix section, those speakers there are excellent
I mean that plastic detailes have jingle with speakers when the frequency of sound equal to 1kHZ.
I hate plastic jingle.
The plastic "bits" of your Vaio resonate at a certain frequency (1KHz).
Sounds like you have done your best to reduce it but I fear that Quality of sound (and Volume) from Vaio laptop speakers is not high on the list of Sony's design prorities.
External speakers and possibly a PCMCIA (or USB) sound card
(Soundblaster?) would be an alternative but not very practical for portability.
Ah I see, hate it too
As William said it's best to get a decent pair of speakers like the SoundSticks by Harman Multimedia, they're amazing for the size, bit expensive.