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The FN key does not work on my vaio fs115m!!!! Help!!!


The FN key does not work on my vaio fs115m!!!! Help!!!

I cannot control the volume or the brightness anymore with the FN key. Something is wrong. The FN key does however still work with the Scroll Lock, but with nothing else.

I have been trying to read online for a solution. I found a website (
saying I should download the Sony Shared Folder, and the Sony Network Device Utilities.

I have a vaio FS115M, and looked on the sony europe website (because I bought it in Germany). I also looked on the website from Sony ( for the driver to see if there was something different for the 550 model which has the same specifications. It had a few things and I did try one, but it still gave the same result.... the FN keys still do not work.

Please Please help!!



Back up your files and reinstall all the OS software with the Recovery CD's. If the drivers don't seem to work, that's probably your only solution.