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TX1XP CPU Speed when running on batteries


TX1XP CPU Speed when running on batteries

Hello dear vaio members,

My TX1XP's CPU speed when running on AC Power is
at 1.20Ghz (maximum, power settings at "VAIO Optimized").
When im running it on batteries, the CPU speed never exceeds
the half cpu time (i.e 598Mhz, power settings at "VAIO Optimized"). Is there a way to tell the laptop to stay at the maximum CPU time available all the time? Or, when running
on batteries, does the CPU time changes from 598Mhz to 1.20Ghz when needed? Coz i havent seen it raising up to 1.20Ghz even if i use CPU power (like playing a game, or compiling sources).

Thanks in advance


I am not an expert but I believe the half speed on batteries is an integrated and intentional function of your mobile CPU (Intel Pentium M Processor Ultra Low Voltage 753) to prolong battery life.

The one sure-fire way to force your laptop to use the full processing power available is to do two things in the power control panel.

1. Click Start > Control Panel > Performance + Maintenance > Power Options
2. On the VAIO Power Management tab select PERFORMANCE for the desired "Thermal Zone Strategy" in Battery mode - this forces the CPU to stay at high power (1.20GHz).
3. On the Power Schemes tab select the ALWAYS ON profile and adjust all of the time out settings to values of your choice.

This will override the default Windows XP CPU Throttling technique for reducing the CPU speed, and force the laptop to always run at 1.20GHz

The other alternative is to use SpeedSwitchXP which dynamically changes this CPU Throttling dependant on the demand of the computer at the time.

Both of these tactics may not work if the processor does not allow software overrides for CPU throttling.

Good luck - this may achieve your goal.