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New Sony Xperia Z3 Compact tablet - can't get beyond the booting screen


New Sony Xperia Z3 Compact tablet - can't get beyond the booting screen

Hi there,

I recently bought a brand new Xperia Z3 Compact tablet from a seller who had surplus stock. However, as soon as I tried to turn it on... It simply gets stuck in a loop on the initial loading screen. I've Googled this endlessly, and so far I can only really see people having issues with cell phones and tablets that they've been using for a while - nobody appears to have my issue where, straight out of the box the thing won't even start.

I've tried the Companion reinstallation several times now and it doesn't appear to be doing anything at all. I've tried the reset button next to the SD slot and I've hard reset it several times. Still zilch. 

Can anyone offer any assistance? 


Hi @Philip2,

Welcome to the community. 

Sorry to hear about this :smileysad:. If you have attempted the software repair using Xperia Companion and are still unable to get the tablet to boot up, I would suggest getting in contact with your Local support.

Good luck Slightly_smiling_Face