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No 2K option in Youtube


No 2K option in Youtube

Hey all,

I have the LTE version and it runs great, just replaced the battery yesterday since release day.

My only problem for a while now, that i don't see the 1440p option in Youtube anymore.

Searched and searched on the internet with no luck.

Does Sony or Youtube simply not support 2K resolution on Youtube? Or is something wrong on my end. Like i said, the tablet runs great on stock. It's not a dealbreaker for me 1080p Youtube still looks good, but i bought this tablet for the 2K resolution.




I have exactly the same problem and I also have the LTE version. For me Youtube stopped showing 2k option for about a month ago and still no luck getting it back... I hope someone here knows how to fix this because I also bought the tablet mainly because of its 2k screen which is now much less useful due to lack of 2k content.

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