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System UI stops after 6.0.1 update


System UI stops after 6.0.1 update

After updating to 6.0.1 marshmallow a few weeks ago, now I get an error saying systemui has stopped working and have to reboot the tablet. This happens at least once a day.

I have obtained a crash report.

Others have claimed that it was due to an SD card but I removed that same it still happens.

Is there a bug in the marshmallow update and if so when will it be fixed?

Who wants to see my crash report?


Hi Paulpaul1308,

Thank you for your postings and time on this.........I am also experiencing the exact same issue on my Xperia Z2 tablet.

May I ask if you could provide details about the Inbox notifications uninstall and reinstall? I am trying to do the same thing but cannot find it.



I have a Xperia Z2 tablet which was working well until the "System UI has stopped" error message showed up (which now causes the screen to continually flash making the tablet unusable until the tablet is reset or powered off / on).

I've looked at ways to try and overcome this including software repair, disabling Google update, reformatting micro SD card and running system repair apps for Android 6.0.1 but unfortunately no luck.

I will be trying a factory reset as a last resort but was hoping someone might have some other recommendations.

The tablet is quite good and it is a shame that (if the problem is the 6.0.1 Android version) am unable to move forward to the latest one.

Appreciate any help with this!