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Xperia z2 power reset


Xperia z2 power reset

Anyone having issues to reset the z2 Xperia tablet because it won't charge, power on, no charge light.  Follow these steps as they've worked twice for me each time.

Unplug USB or magnetic charger.

Remove any sim card, micro SD card, or sim card placer (piece of plastic occupieing sim csim card slot)

In the sim csim card section you will see a yellow reset switch.  Push and hold this down for 2 minutes or so then release.

Attached your power supply and the red charge light will come on.

Charge for 2 to 6 hours or whatever is necessary and it will power on.

Then use any other factory remedies for soft reset diagnosis.

I have found that as they get older the power regulator or whatever it's called isn't as reliable and it needs a full reset and it's good for awhile.  If you have to do this more than twice a year then you may want to buy something to replace it or back it up.

Good luck.