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Xperia Z4 keeps hanging when using youtube and slow response with Microsoft power point


Xperia Z4 keeps hanging when using youtube and slow response with Microsoft power point

Dear all, 
Recently i just bought an Xperia Z4 tablet, i'm having the below issues, please


1. The "youtube" keeps hanging after playing a video for about 20-30mins,

until which i have to restart the tablet all over again by pressing the power off

button. It happens very frequently.

2. I'm quite disappointed at the performance for microsoft power point using this tablet as the pages responded very slow whenever i click the next button to switch the slides. The pages just get hung for a quite awhile before it shows the next slides...eventhough the review of the Z4 seems very good, using an industry higher speed snapdragon Qualqomm 810. The lagging is must worse

than my Asus T10 Transformer, which is quite an old notebook.
Anyone experienced this before? Is there anyway to speed it up or is there any

problem with the Z4 tablet from the factory settings or inherent problem using

microsoft power point with this tablet itself?

Hear from any of your expert advice soon. 
