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Youtube stops after five or six videos


Youtube stops after five or six videos

After the update to lollipop, my YouTube app stops working and pops up "an error has occurred while playing, click to retry". There's no way to get it working again, only a reboot will work, but then after a few videos, the problem is back.

I've done a factory reset and tried without installing any 3rd party apps, same thing.

Anybody experienced the same thing?
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I think the problem is solved. It's the new version of the YouTube app that causes this issue. When I uninstall the update, the problem goes away. After checking reviews in the Playstore, it seems that lots of people have this issue, across a wide range of devices.

I was sure I tested before doing the update, but apparently it updated itself after I did another factory reset, because automatic updates is the default settings for Google Playstore. You have to be really quick to set this to Do Not Update Automatically after you do a factory reset. 

Can't understand why Google decided this but that's another discussion. 

Anyway a very big thanks to everyone who tried to help.



Hi vosg, same problem for me with a difference that YouTube stop playing after some minutes, never while I playing but always after a switch from one video to another or when I open the app from a link. The videos embedded in the websites is playing without problems.

Last time annoyed to reboot for solve the issue I've made a factory reset with contextual ROM upgrade but without significant results.


Dektech, check your YouTube version. It should be 6.0.1. If it's higher, just uninstall the update and reboot your tablet. Also don't forget to disable automatic updates in Google Playstore. 

Hope this helps.


My version is 10.18.55, do you think it's too new? Slightly_smiling_Face


Yes. Open your play store, settings,  disable auto updates and uninstall YouTube updates. This should get you back to version 6.0.13 

Next, reboot your tablet. Your problem should be solved. 


Done, now the version is 6.0.13, I'll try for a while.


Good luck!
It worked for me...

Hi, after many weeks with the stock Youtube app, and 3 updates via OTA, now the problem is always the same and at this point, is annoying too.
The new versions of the YouTube app has many new feature and stability improvement (specially with chromecast) and the stock version is quite obsolete.
I think that Youtube is an essential app in every mobile device and this kind of malfunction I think is a HW problem because yesterday I have installed latest official version of android (23.4.A.1.232) with only Sony app and Youtube app with the latest version (10.40.58) and after some minute of video streaming, I've read the message "There was a problem while playing. Touch to retry".
As usual, the only workaround to solve temporary the problem, is a reboot of the device.
Anyone of Official Sony support read this post and can help to try to solve this issue?


It's not a hardware issue, it's the Youtube app getting worse with every update. There are over one million "one star" reviews in the Playstore, but Google, in their ivory tower, don't seem to be interested.

Try TurboTube (available free in the Google play store), it's much better.