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Sony WH-1000XM5 Headphones - Intentional Bluetooth Interference
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Sony WH-1000XM5 Headphones - Intentional Bluetooth Interference

I am writing to report an issue with my Sony WH-1000XM5 headphones. Over the past few days, I have been experiencing random interruptions while using them.

Initially, I thought it was accidental touchpad activation, but I've recently discovered that a neighbor's device is
exploiting/spamming some bluetooth protocol to intentionally disrupt my connection. This has resulted in both music playback pausing/playing randomly and calls being disconnected mid-conversation.


I have already tried the following troubleshooting steps:

* Restarting both my headphones and the connected device.
* Updating the headphones' firmware to the latest version.
* Factory Reset

Unfortunately, none of these solutions have resolved the issue. The interference is persistent and significantly impacting my ability to use the headphones effectively.

I would appreciate your assistance in resolving this problem. Please advise on any further troubleshooting steps or potential solutions.