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extreme input lag for DS4 controllers when connected by bluetooth


extreme input lag for DS4 controllers when connected by bluetooth

hello! i'm really enjoying the xperia nougat update after like an 8 month delay, it feels really nice and you finally added DS4 support which makes my controller very happy : )

see? happy gamepad :Dsee? happy gamepad Grinning_Face

 unfortunately while at first it performs flawlessly, even better than my hand me down samsung from like 2010, after exactly 30 seconds it suffers extreme input lag, this makes using it for gaming almost impossible for anything that requires quick and responsive action, but for that first 30 seconds it works amazingly well which leads me to believe this is something to do with a bluetooth setting in the backend that we can't see or edit at the moment, hopefully in a future update they add in an option to change some specific options about how bluetooth works and lets us fix issues like this