Bluetooth call issue (microphone)


Bluetooth call issue (microphone)

After call connect the microphone cut of in the car and her Headphones wh-1000xm2 after a splitsec. 

No problem with the recieving sound or media (music). 

And No problem in normal call. 


Reset bluetooth.

setting -> long press bt icon, watch paired devices-> unpair


settings -> search reset network setting

and start ober again setting up in your car.

BT isn't the most rigid protocol.


I have this problem on XPRIA 1 with all bluetooth devices when calling after Android 10 update. Network reset didn't help. Only restart helps but after about a week problem again. I think it is some kind of Android 10 bug because Pixel 4 and Pixel 4 XL have the same problem (my Pixel 4 XL has the same problem but my XZ2 Premium doesn't have this problem). Waiting for fix.


I can barely understand the original post, but if I'm interpreting it properly, I'm pretty sure that I'm experiencing the same issue which he or she described.  My Xperia 5 is connected to my car via bluetooth.  When I place calls from the car, the person on the other end can't hear me but I can hear them clearly.  I'm not certain, but I'm pretty sure that this issue appeared right after the phone upgraded to Android 10.

Factory resetting didn't help.  Unpairing/re-pairing didn't help.  Experimenting with all versions of AVRCP didn't produce one which worked.

@tomo100brt - can you refer me to where you found the info on the Pixel 4 and 4 XL also experiencing this issue?  I've googled it for coulple of weeks, so I was very excited to see your post.  It gives me hope that it's something that can be fixed.


As I said my Pixel 4 XL has the same problem. Factory reset, software repair, changing Bluetooth AVRCP Version from the default 1.4 to 1.6 and other things they wrote didn't help. Only restart helps for some time. Here are big problem from other people with Pixel 4 series:

From Pixel 2 series, Pixel 3 series, some Nokia users; all with Andoid 10:

From OnePlus 7 Android 10 users:

And so on.  As you see many with the same problem after Android 10 update or with Android 10 if device came with it. So, I think this is Android 10 bug.


I have the same issues in my Xperia 5. I can hear the other person perfectly but they cant hear me. This is problem isnt isolated to my car, I have the same issues with my headphones (WF-1000XM3)