2015 Android TV - Blank Screen issue

Not applicable

2015 Android TV - Blank Screen issue

Hi all


Im creating a breakaway thread for this particular issue -away from the general chatter thread. 


In a nutshell, Sony require more information from the community in order to diagnose and ultimately find a solution.



  1. What model TV does this occur on
  2. Does it happen on certain connected devices or just viewing tv (Freeview)
  3. If so, what devices (make/model) and how is it connected to the TV.
  4. What other devices do you have connected to the TV - HDMI or ?
  5. Have you identified a pattern for when this happens or is it seemingly random


I know some of you have answered this before, so appologies - the more people that can provide information, the quicker and more likely it can be resolved.


Thanks all.


These are the error codes for Sony TVs.

Not specific for Android ones but possibly similar:





There is also another possibility of something been programmed and recorded on an external HDD so must be deleted if repeats recording.


In any case remove power cord for about 5 minutes(a kind of discharge) and re-plug power cable to electricity mains.


I don't know if someone can help with a link of specific Android 2015 or 2016 models error codes


Model  KD49X8309

Do not use the tuner

Devices   HDMI  1  Virgin Media TIVO box

                HDMI  2  Sony Blue Ray DVD

                Internet   -  WIFI

Daily at switch on from standby       blank screen followed by sound only then eventually after about 5 minutes the picture joins the sound. After that slow start everthing seems to work OK.


Have tried all the resets    Remote held down

                                          disconnect the power for more than 10 mins


Not applicable



Been a while since ive heard of this issue on the forums.


Can I assume that you are also on the latest firmware?


Have you tried simply rebooting the TIVO box - ive heard of some issues about the the HDMI connections with TIVO, but not specifically this one. 


Also, can you test having no devices connected to the TV - just boot up the TV and go into an app like YouTube or something?  Although a good test is to have an aerial connected to the TV and tuned into some channels and then test with no devices connected.






Sent back my Sony Android TV after 3 months of not fit for purpose performance - very happy with my Samsung - never had any of the grief or nightmares I had with the Sony. Shame rest of the TV was a great design and quality but if the o/s is rubbish it's like having a BMW with a permanently flat battery - never gets off the drive. The support from Sony back then was also way below what I would have expected with updates and fixes being dribbled out over months - simply not good enough. I'll never go back now even after being a staunch advocate for Sony over 30 years or more!


Yes I have tried resetting the TIVO box. Also tried powering the TIVO box on after the TV has been switched on first.

Tried today with no devices attached.    Result no picture.  Used remote to change to Netflix heard the sound of the change but no picture. changed back to TV still no picture showing input device.  Changed to Action Menu (heard the change on the sound - no picture.


Plugged in DVD to HDMI1   switched on DVD no picture.

unplugged DVD the plugged in the TiVO box to HDMI1  switched the TIVO box from stanby to on  sound came up but no picture   waited about 5 mins then the picture appeared. 


Part of the problem is this only started doing this in February after I returend from a two week break. Before that the TV was working fine with just a minute bootup since we purchased it last year. 

Checked the settings and this tells me the system software is up to date will try to get the details of the firmware the next time I get a picture on the TV.



Ok my 65A1 came thursday 


and yesterday i switched on to hdmi 3 arc to play my ps4 pro 

every 2 mins black screen with sound

pressing the input button top left on my remote to bring the hdmi input selection screen up resolved it for 2 mins then black screen again

i messed about changing hdmi inputs for half hour and ended up back at hdmi 3

and was ok


then this morning monday 18th december

switched on tv to hdmi 1 tivo box and doing it ever 60 seconds

changing input to hdmi 2 then back rectified this problem


so id say issue still there

£3600 for a flaky tv aint good in my books


hope it can get sorted asap


tv is up to date on firmware as it updated as soon as i plugged in



