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2015 Bravia Android TV Issues


2015 Bravia Android TV Issues

I thought I'd create a generic thread to cover off the issues being encountered on the 2015 Bravia Android TVs. I've listed my issues below with fixes / workarounds and responses from support. All comments and solutions welcome!



1) Hot Swap HDMI doesn't work - manifested by no input on HDMI channels 2, 3 and 4 on the KD-49X8305C. Workaround - reset the TV, either by holding down the remote power button for 5 seconds or by switching the TV off at the wall and then back on again. Further details on this thread:


2) HDD Recording doesn't work - error message states a system update is required but none is available when checking. Hopefully this will be fixed soon by a firmware update.


3) Netflix App doesn't work - this seems like the app has been deliberately disabled. So far a support case has only recommended that a factory reset be performed (took two days to get to that cracking piece of advice.....), with no improvement as a result. A temporary (albeit for advanced users only) workaround is provided by MikeLothian on this thread - 


4) Sound lag and performance issues after the TV (KD-49X8305C) has been on standby for a while - manifested for me as stuttering and sound / picture sync issues in all apps (youtube, amazon instant video etc) and HDMI sources (PS4, seperate YouView box etc). Hopefully this will be fixed in a firmware update, at the moment workarounds involve either changing channels to get the sync to work or in my case having to turn the TV off and then on again at the socket.


As stated previously, all comments welcome. Personally I'm willing to give Sony a couple of weeks to fix this, but if it's not done soon I'll be sending my new TV back for a refund as it's not really fit for purpose.

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I don't use NotePad+ after the dev of it started getting political and unfunny with governments around Christmass. Fool that he is.:smileydevil:


A Hex editor will allow me to highlight syntax and error check, and even compile my own minus code and such.

I know, your right though. But I've been teaching myself to read hex since the 90's to compete with my dad as he's always telling me I don't need to learn C, or C++, just Hex.

Quick tip, never argue with the parents as they are always right.:smileyexclaim:


Who would have thought Developer mode on these set's would turn so much off?:smileyinfo:

Have you been able to ftp:\\ into the set whilst its on?:smileyinfo:

I have around 60GB of DRM free apps, but can only install around 4GB of them as the set has such a small (SSD) hard drive installed.:smileyshocked:


I was thinking of burning the processor out as well. If I ran 3DMark and over stressed the set, it would burn the processor out, and Sony would come and replace it, and then I could see if the new one the deliver is actually a quad core, as I've heard they exist.:smileysad:


I'd like to get a different Android Launcher running on this though, that's whats stopped me. I'd like to be able to put my own app shortcuts on the home screen for a start.:smileyplain:


UltraFlix are doing an Easter special at present. I can get 100 4K streams (rentals) for £100.:smileyhappy:

The PlayStation Video Unlimited App, with it's 4K glory is still USA only. The PlayStation Forums have no idea if it will even be released here on these shores. But I'm still trying to source a rip of it as that's ultimately what I brought this set for. The Sony 4K Ultra library.:smileyconfused:


I'm spending most of my time messing around with the Crytek Engine in preparation for my new PlayStation VR set I've got on pre order from Amazon. as I should be able to knock out a level with a few characters and vehicles, in an FPS style, for me and my friends to play about with when we are using our VR sets.:smileyballoon:

The Crytek Engine supports VR and the PlayStation VR supports it's standards too.:smileyballoon:

Should be fun. But my assets for just the basic design of the level ect has skyrocketed to around 40GB, and that's without lighting mods, audio mods or even enemies at present, which I fear will only get bigger as I add behaviours in too.:smileyplus:


I hope somebody get's an alternative launcher up and running on these sets as they are just plain ugly when displaying what they have.

I did the original VAIO firmwares, several bit's to the PlayStation 3 Firmware (remote play in particular), but there's only so much one should say due to NDA.:smileyinfo:

Thank god for NDA's :smileyinfo: as I got sued last year for £36000 for Piracy, which was unjust and thankfully beaten.

If I compile a list of all the sys calls these sets have I'm sure I could just make a program that would allow me to make custom firmwares for this set no problem. But most of the time it comes down to time constraints.


Anyway, before I go on too much. You've done well on the forums, helping everyone recently, for this I thank you.

Here's hoping the next installation of Android (I couldn't get Android N installed) brings some more functions for these sets.:smileyztele:


Kind regards:smileypeace:



@alanxce wrote:

I noticed yesterday evening that my recording to USB on Freeview is definitely not operating to the scheduled times. 

I had a program set to go at 9pm, it threw up the message that recording was starting at 9:05pm so I lose the first five minutes. I had this problem before and I thought I had resolved it by adjusting start time gaps. I now have it set to no delay and program starts five minutes late.

Anyone else experience this problem?

I have fixed this although I need to monitor it to be sure. The time setting on the tv was 5 minutes slow and this appears to be a result of having it set to "network time" in the settings options. There are three options, manual setting, brodcast time or network time. I now have it set to broadcast time and will check to see if it keeps correct time.

@oodles2do wrote:



Can I ask why you're going through code with a hex editor? Surely a normal text editor would be more useful as you wouldn't have to convert the text into hex on the editor then back again so you can understand it?



The lad expects to be able to 'ftp into the machine' - a port scan on my machine shows only 80, 5555 and 8009 running. He could install his own ftp server, I suppose, but with no root all his access will be to the /sdcard/ only. However, his logs will be there.


Anyone who previously claimed they were going to 'root it' would have the knowledge, one assumes, to use adb to pull logs from the sdcard. Or he could just use one on the android apps from the Play Store to get the job done.



[edited for civility - EdwinaU]




Yeah I think that's what it is too, just picking out key words. Why the hell would you be coding in hex?! And saying just learn hex rather than C or C++... well that'll rather useless. hex looks like this:

Screenshot from 2016-03-22 11:02:21.png


[edited for civility - EdwinaU]

That's OK, @oodles2do


When you asked @rsebre why he didn't use a text editor, I wondered if you realised that executables don't come as source code 🙂




Richard has been working in hex since the 90s, and selling on eBay since 2005 from his base in Callington, Cornwall, so if he is still a schoolboy, he must have started these activities very young, even if you take 90s to be 1999....


[Edited for personal details - EdwinaU]

YouView Superuser, but not an employee of YouView, nor retained by them for this purpose. It's purely me speaking





Who Googled me? I've only been in Callington for 4 months, so what ever they where reading, it must have been recent. I have worked for Sony and Microsoft in the past, but that's a different story. I got offered a job around 2 weeks ago out of the blue by Sony again, but I haven't responded as my heart is elsewhere now.


It must have been eBay you where reading.:smileyquestion: I regularly sell of games keys for up coming or expensive games for £1 - for charity sometimes too. I've sold to pretty much every country on earth, and still have a perfect feedback score of 100%,:smileyhappy: but then again I have been around the world about 3 and a half times now too.

I suppose that's a different story.:smileynot_talking:


Best morning ever..:smileysilly:


Kind regards:smileypeace:


[Edited to prevent flaming - EdwinaU]

Hi @rsebre


Guilty as charged 🙂


Quite fun, linking up the breadcrumbs trail everyone leaves across the web. Is the guy with the 8-ball the guy with the black cherries? Oh look, here's a page with both on, so yes, almost certainly.


Caught out by the 2005 and Callington being only 4 months, though. should have dug deeper.... 😞


Did Sony offer you the chance to work on these TVs for them, by any chance? If so, take it, please take it!


But if it's just those PlayStation guys round the corner from Golden Square, where I was, then meh....


Cheers, and nil illegitimas carborundum.

YouView Superuser, but not an employee of YouView, nor retained by them for this purpose. It's purely me speaking




Black Cherries? I think what you're referring to are my blue square tomato's.:smileyplain:

That amonght's other things is what I'm doing at present, thus I can not take any more work.

I get grants from the NHS, and teach a group of disabled students to grow things. I do it for medical purpose's. :smileyhappy:My blue square tomatoes, which we genetically engineered a few years ago, contain 100 years worth of the chemical compound Lysine. Which cures cancer. - I had a friend that was riddled with the stuff and given 6 weeks to live. He had even had his bottom sown up with the tubes to go when he needed to. But to cut a long story short, he's fine now and they worked as that's what they where designed for.:smileylaugh: I can make them glow in the dark too, but when they are like that you shouldn't eat them as they become toxic.:smileyangel:

I genetically engineer/create new plants now, and occasionally mess around with a game engine to pass the time during winter.:smileyplain:

Were currently working on genetically engineering them a bit more, such as adding nitrogen fixing bacteria, so they can produce their own and thus grow in otherwise unsuitable conditions.

I have heart shaped ones for valentines, and grow an occasional star shaped one when one of the grand kids is behaving as a reward.:smileyballoon:

Botany, is where its at for me at present.

I'm messing around with the Christmass tree's from the farm near here too, trying to make a bonsai version that is phosphorescent come the day so you don't need the old lights anymore.

I grow blue potatoes for blue vodka, blue corn for blue whisky. You name it, I will engineer it - The blue is representative of the high levels of anti intoxicants.:smileyinfo:

With so many people hatting on genetically engineering, you never know what to say nowadays, but I'm always knee deep looking at molecules and studying scientific papers. I couldn't get my strawberry's blue though, and I'm not fond of Merch's in London, as their genes often turn out to be dud.:smileynot_talking:

I grew up on a farm, it probably shows. We have 8-9 Pollytunnels this summer, and I'm getting the team to build more greenhouse's for more experiments.:smileyangel:

I'm going to be messing around with the mimosa pudica this year with them, as they will love that. Have you seen them? Plants with muscles that move when touched. If I back cross them I'm sure I could get them to go for walks like the canary tree does, but at a faster scale of course.:smileycool:


The job I was offered was engineering, but as you can see I'm wanting to do other things before I get too old.:smileyhappy:

Thanks for the nice reply,:smileywink: likes will be given. :smileyplus:And I higly rate my set, thats why I was trying to figure out how to get bluetooth working and that dam Playstation Video 4K app:smileyrolleyes: they promised at CES last year. As it seem's, all I can do is wait and see.:smileyztele:

Have a good day:smileyrainbow:

Kind regards:smileypeace:





Yeah... I think you're definitely right...


" Which cures cancer", oh dear. There's no such thing as a cure for cancer, and if you had any knowledge of the area you'd know that.


There are hundreds of different types of cancer and each is unique to the person that has it, there can never be a sweeping cure for all cancers. If there was a miracle cure, I'm pretty sure no one would ever die of cancer.


mine needs rebooting at least 4 times per evening  wish i had never seen it