Cannot disable Remote start functionality

Not applicable

Cannot disable Remote start functionality

TV: KD-55A1

OS: Android 8.0 Oreo

Version: 6.6555

Issue: TV doesn't respect Remote start option


Remote start is turned off, but I'm still able to start TV from my phone in YouTube or Android TV app.

It's a security issue that needs to be fixed.


Why do you think is a security issue? You can cast on your tv only if you are authenticated on your home network...

Not applicable

That's a very silly response from "expert", it does not provide any information or answers to the problem.

So the basic principle is that when you set something on TV settings it must do what you told it to do. Now when I disable Remote start, I'm sure that no one will access my TV remotely. But that's not how it works on this TV. Anyone can still connect to TV with Youtube, Spotify, remote controller apps and etc. So again, this setting needs to be fixed.


The TV has two settings regarding this: Remote start and remote control (may not be accurately translated).

If you enable remote start it warns you about increased power usage in standby.
If you enable remote control, but leave remote start disabled it does NOT warn you. So, one should think it could be controlled from the network when powered on, but should not waste the excessive standby power to listen for requests from the network.


But no, it does not power off.
I believe the specification says it will use 0.5W in standby mode.
But when you enable remote control (without remote start) and not given a warning, it does instead use 22.6W. Which is about more than 45 times more than the specification says.

Come on Sony, can't you do better than this?
I wonder how much wasted energy this amounts to per year, per TV. Not very green.


Why are there two settings in the menu, when one of them is not respected anyway?


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