
Neftlix info button

Up until now I could use the "i" (info) button on my TV remote and I'd see the resolution of the Netflix stream 4K, HD etc.

It seems this is not possible anymore. Pressing the "i" button has no effect. Is it something caused by the last Sony update or is it a Netflix thing? (the interface has changed a bit).




Hi Yes I to have the same issue as of the last update back in November . I have a Sony 2015 4K Andriod TV



I also spoke to Netflix and informed  them of this issue or bug as when I first had my new Tv few months ago it was their you pressed the 'i' button and you had streaming rate as well as audio output .


I have basic broadband only 7mb's so I do use this feature on a regular basis to make sure I am getting 1080P.


Netflix told me that they work with Sony direct regarding any updates and its down to Sony to sort this issue out werid as its Netflix app .


I rang Sony UK tech yesturday and the guy did a few tests on my TV using the new 'remote help feature' basicly TV crerates a unique number and they take control of the TV to see the fault them selfs pretty cool stuff !!.


The guy told me on the phone it will take upto 48hrs to get a repsonce so the more people tell them the quicker this will get resolved I presumed by a software push soon . Or better still give us new Marshmellow 6.0 by xmas would be great Sony please .. Or Google sort this out please .


i have a LG 4k smart tv and ever since the new update i also have been having the same problem. i live in  Canada and i called netflix (US) and they told me that it was LG's fault so i called LG and they said it was NETFLIX's fault but now i read that other tv BRANDS  are having the same issue. SO ITS OBVIOUSLY netflixs new update thats the cause. i hope people are calling in for more feed back so they do do the fix

Not applicable

Hi @demelo101


Interesting.  Thanks for that information. It is Netflix's issue because they have updated their app recently.

"He did it! She did it! No, she did not! Multiple causal explanations and the continued influence of misinformation"


And who are the "victims" ? What we know for sure is that the NETFLIX button is embedded and rests on Sony remote control. But none of them is responsible:smileymrgreen:.


In any case this is good to hear from others that similar issues exist. Don't always blame Sony for them.:smileyangry:

Hi after several days now of me reporting this issue to Sony I have had a email response for me to now take a picture of Netflix software version I have and email it back to them. 


I have a feeling they know something is wrong. 


Can more people call up their UK number is belive it's a London number as I live in West London my self and let them know that you guys have the same issue. The more people kick up about this The quicker Sony/Netflix sorts this out cheers 🍻 


I don't believe the Netflix app has been updated in a while. Am I wrong? The last update (and probable cause) is the Sony update. Although I'm not sure when I first discovered the issue. As I said in the OP, it's not the biggest issue in the world, but it was a handy feature to be sure you are streaming in 4k, 1080p etc.
Not applicable

Sorry off topic here.  But @MrBombastic21  Great name you have.  Reminds me of the Shaggy Song :slight_smile:


netflix was just updated ...they update once a month thats how they add and take off new shows .... i know i dont have a sony tv ...but i do have ps4.. aside from that i own a LG SMART TV (4K) like i said i dont have a sony tv  BUT I AM ALSO HAVING THE LOST INFO BUTTON. i bought my tv  november 24 and it worked then netflix  did the december update and now it doesnt work. i was on the phone with LG  for like a week thinking they could fix it. but iv been reading it happened to all tvs....NETFLIX needs to fix this!!!! :smileyinfo:




So it's a Neftlix thing probably then?

Let's wait and see.


PS Thanks @Anonymous, that's the inspiration behind it.  And as always thanks for your help, you are very helpful in these forums.

It's an odd one.  As Netflix can update their app and they updated their app the other day on my Sony Android TV. 


But yes for sure this happened on the last Sony firmware update back in November it definitely worked before then.