XH9505 Motion flow problem with judder


XH9505 Motion flow problem with judder

Hi everyone I hope its okay to make a new thread about this.

The problem is I bought the TV a month ago and while watching native TV apps like Netflix and Disney plus there was a judder present but after researching online found the fix for this was to set motion flow to custom and put smoothing to min and clearness to min and I kind of forgot what the other setting is called cinemaflow? and put this to auto.

After these changes everything was perfectly smooth and no judder at all but after about a week I noticed the judder had came back so I went to settings and found out now with having the settings both on min it produces a bad judder and the only way to get it watchable is to put motion flow on auto but the picture is still not as smooth as the min min used to be.

I reset the TV to factory settings but the custom min min settings still produce the bad judder. I also bought a Sony sound bar a few weeks ago and I thought maybe this had been the problem but after the factory reset and just using the TV speakers the same happened.

Thanks for reading hope someone can help.


Unfortunately when I got the tele at the start of the year I was advised by RS to take a video, but it doesn’t show in a video 😞 

Can I please just ask, with it in game mode all movement judders, how does this prove that it maybe a faulty unit I have?
many thanks. 


Because all processing is disabled in game mode that could be the cause of or contributing to the problem of excess judder, even most of the processing that goes on in the background.

You say you have Sky Q; are you watching the apps you've mentioned via that? And have you enabled the app de-judder option on your Sky Q box? Go to settings > setup > audio visual > judder reduction for apps = on (it's disabled by default).

When was the last time you powered everything down at the wall? You'd be surprised what can be achieved sometimes by power cycling everything, which in turn establishes new handshakes all round with your equipment.


And have you thought to factory reset the TV. I personally don't attach too much sentiment to recordings on my Sky Q box and so factory reset that to clean the hard drive, maybe twice a year. Most content is either repeated or available on-demand.


My TV still has the same issues. The weird thing with my situation is the min min settings worked perfectly at the start. For some reason Netflix calibration mode fixes the motion issues for just Netflix but Disney plus still has the problem. Like I said one day something just clicked and it stopped working on the min min settings.


Also I have really bad problems with watching sport especially football. In HD or 4K while the camera angle is the usual angle used for a match for most of the time like the side on view at the half way line each player has a blurry distortion line around them. Its really really awful. As the player runs and moves the blurry distortion follows them and noticed the other night from a camera angle behind the goal each section of the net had the distortion around the shapes it looked like a kids bubble wand thing you blow to make bubbles. While watching Formula 1 all of the onscreen graphics have the blurred distortion line around them as well and sometimes at certain camera angles they cars have it around them.

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Hey newcastlelad, I see that you updated the TV, also reset it. Did you try watching it with nothing connected to any HDMI port? yes, I'm thinking there might be a fault that needs investigating with Sony support.


NewcastleLad, I don’t have the artefacts as bad but I think I know what you’re talking about, its apparent on mine when I’ve got smoothness on max (3). I’m currently watching Prime and can’t watch it on anything other than max smoothness. 
Im fascinated that your tv was perfect and now isn’t. All this is making me want to take it further with someone and never thought we could speak directly with Sony about it. 


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Thanks for the heads up mate I'll give it a go

Thing is now Netflix calibration is awful to watch just like yours. The thing is the TV images look stunning at times if only I could solve the motion.

The sport is really really bad though. Have you got SKY Q? watching in 4K the movement is fine compared to the native apps apart from like I said the players and their artifact blurry motion bubble. I tried playing on with the noise reduction settings and it helped a little bit but I'm really worried the TV is faulty. The helpful person above who mentioned getting in touch with Sony directly could be the only solution. Keep me update with your progress and hopefully we can get it sorted.

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Hi guys, I wouldn't mess around with the developer options, have tried it once on my phone (RIP) I strongly suggest getting in touch with Sony support and maybe ask about the developer options to make sure this is safe. I mean if you put pressure on the CPU isn't a casual thing to do like the guy on the video mentioned!


Don't sweat it @HannahEd01 , the suggestions in that link are snake oil and nothing more. Any perceived improvement is mere placebo.


The end user can't affect motion processing in the manner suggested. Most of the settings in the developer options, a hangover from being part of an Android operating system, are largely ineffective on the TVs.

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Hi CyberWoogy, it might be a snake oil for the issue, but diffenately messing around with the developer options is a huge risk. They affect the OS of the TV (The Android System) DIRECTLY. I agree with you it might not have any effect on the picture quality tho.