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Sony WX100 Allot of Warning indicators

Sony WX100 Allot of Warning indicators

I have the sony WX100 and had it since 2013. As been used for taken shots overseas. This year has been bad with so much errors that it's not working 100%


  1. Saying that it over heats allot, gets hot and it crashes or turns off allot.
  2. Database file error, even when the card is new
  3. I have two lots of battery's and yet doesn't take long at all untill the camear makes it dead.
  4. The device doesn't say the errors unless I look up in the troubleshooting in the guid. But it's the guid. I know the camrea isn't working 100% and yet it plays up.

So, taken images video is just mad. SOmetimes it takes me 1 to 2mins to turn it on even with the battery fully ccharged and using two.  Me can't afford another one yet so suckss


Hi EmpireKicking,


Sorry to hear you are having issues with your WX 100.


It would be best getting in touch with Support for further help here




Sean Mc