M5 camera issue!


M5 camera issue!

Camera unstable when I press camera physical button from idie or lockscreen camera icon...sometime it will work, sometime no...hopefully next update will solve the problem...

my firmware 30.0.B.1.33


Facing xperia M5 camera issue,
Just bought and been using it less that 3 day.
So far the method that i have tried
1. Boot into safe mode
2. Clear camera cached
3. Factory reset
Does't know if this is a hard ware or software issue, 
Any more suggestion?

Screenshot_2016-01-22-23-57-31.jpg  Screenshot_2016-01-22-23-46-44.jpg


Hi, h4fizuddin!

Thank you for providing the details, that's a rare quality nowadays! But unfortunately, I think you should take it to your local service center and apply for replacement... Slightly_frowning_Face

It does look like a hardware issue, sorry for such sad news!

Edit <21:30>: try doing as described here https://www.androidpit.com/android-5-0-lollipop-problems-and-solutions, point 11. I know that you cleared the camera's cache, but try disabling and then re-enabling it... See if that works...


Already send my phone to Service Centre for warranty claim on 26/1/16 and call them today for a quick update on phone status.
From their feedback its seem my phone having some hardware related issue. Really shocking and upset because i just bought this phone, paid some hefty sum of money then just in 2 day of usage the camera start showing ERROR...
very frustrated with SONY!!!!
Service centre told me that it would take about 2 week to repair my phone and it could take longer if there were no sparepart and they need to order it.
when i am buying this phone, I was considering sony as a brand of quality, but its seem i was wrong.


Does anyone think Xperia M5 are problematic phone.
Just recieved update from service centre that my phone have hardware related issue.
Just bought and used that phone for less that 2 day

Seeing lots of people complaining and posting that their xperia phone having all kind of issue,
Starting to doubt Sony product quality. 


My M5 has Camera Problem too, Two days ago i just tried to take a pictore trought window and images were blurred, I tried several ways to solve proble, Reset to factory data, relaunch new software throught PC comapanion, but pictures are still poor, Secondary camera is pretty cool, but what is going on with primary camera i havn't any diea or solutions, When i try to take a picture of points 20-30 cm away from camera it's still cool, but things awayfrom camera more than 30 cm seems blurred and even zoom can't focus normally,  may you have had this problem in your experience and you solved it, 



I'm sorry to hear that but there isn't much to tell you, other than this is a user based forum, and for the most part, users who will post here have issues, but not users who aren't experiencing issues. 


My M5 Takes pictures With the front camera better than other is it possible that the cameras are inverted cause the reaolution is amazing With front camera but the other Takes pictures really horrible

I have tried enter to the camera settings and do everything that the user guide says and nothing my camera is wrong


contact your Local support


Please, check this Video, may you get better what's a problem, M5 Camera

and there no local support in Goergia, i brought my phone in Germany and i ordered it trough Ebay in UK. when i came in Georgia it says me that some features are unavailable here, but they have worked pretty nice befor i started using of Goergian SIM. 
After all of these problems i think about new phone, but definitely not about SONY.