Motion Blurring

I have the Bravia KD75XH9296BU they aren’t for sale anymore but the specs did say that it performs 120 Hz at 1080p I get major motion blur  with any moving object mainly people when watching TV movies snd especially sport I do not watch sport in higher than 1080p so I should not be getting such motion blur can anyone explain the problem?


Hello @Pablog1980,


the TV might be able to do 120Hz refresh rate, but the source material is recorded at 24, 25 or 50 frames per second (for PAL regions), so the motion blur is most likely there in the video footage you are watching. There are features like MotionFlow which can enhance the image, but if the source material has the motion blur in it, there is only so much the TVs software can re-create or enhance.


- Nic