Removal of VEWD TV Store

Removal of VEWD TV Store

I notice Vewd is going to be removed from my Sony Tv.  Is it going to be replaced with something else? If not how am I to download apps I want/ need??

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You cant install apps from vewd thats the point. 

The Vewd App (formerly known as Opera TV) is an online storefront that specializes in apps optimized for TV. The Vewd App runs apps from the cloud and includes video, music, social networking, games, and news. ... Note: The Vewd App runs cloud-based apps. This means that the apps are never permanently stored on your DVR

I have attempted to download plex from Vewd and it is only able to be opened through Vewd!  I have attempted alternate way to download Plex to no avail.  Someone has already commented they contacted Sony support and were told they had no idea what they would provide to obtain Plex after the 25th.  Your company is the one that advertised Opera TV which inturn switched to Vewd and now your company is the one taking away a portion of your product.  To say anyone's anger is not helpful when YOUR company has blatantly commited false advertising, causing them to have a useless tv with STILL NO ANSWER IS THE ONE NOT HELPING!


When a bad decisions made from Sony that effect the customers in a bad way ( I consider it a lie on customers because they should now this could happen ) it's very normal that the customers will comment on this, so no need to surprised from me to make new account just to comment on this issue. 

The application will not be available after 25 June.  so why you say that we can use it. I don't get the need to say that either !! ,

when it's clear that my Smart Sony TV which l bough as Smart TV will not be Smart after few days.  And Sony as you read and see will not provide any replacement ( still one week only ) .

So please . People pay money for service that will last  with the TV, not for free.

More than that  the customers need to fix Sony problem and pay more to buy another device !!!! How this could be acceptable !!

Great reply, I also started a new account on here to comment.  If Sony customer care actually cared about its customers who will have a useless tv in a week, we wouldn't to put a reply on here only to get ignorant employee replies like that!  Sony fraudulently took our money and then took away a service advertised on that tv.  That's false advertising!



Beleve me when I say that I understand you...


What I try to say before its that some people just come here to ''flame'' the comunity, and not beening helpfull... But we are tring to help, just that... Sorry for my reply


The only thing that I can suggest, is that you sned an email to Sony customer support and show your dissatisfaction with the situation.


Hugo C.

I have sent Sony an email and received no reply, can you give us an email that may help us?

Hey guys


just thought i would give you na update on how things are going.


Today i contacted Sony again with ref to this issue, as now my Vewd app store is there on my TV but all i get is a blank black screen now.


All they said to me is this is a Vewd app store issue as the contract has now expired and there is no issue with the TV, so i am waiting on a phone call from a manager.


So my Vewd app store no longer works now, i am absolutly raging with Sony about this.




a very angry Mike

Vewd no work today.

So what now ??? Please dont write me about buy stick or etc

i can use my app on my tv 

if is possible to update to android or no ??? 

my tv its no android i think about download software for tv android and try make update if is possible ?

so what its the best option ??

Now i think about back tv to shop and change for another NO SONY or  stay with Sony 

So i wait for reply 

Tmrw Monday mayb3 its time to say Bye for forever Sony 

i ready say that sell ps4 back tv 

buy xbox buy samsung tv !!


I have the same problem with this company. My TV is kd-55xe7077, purchased a year ago. The price is not small for me. Now I'm so angry at SONY that they make me buy more hardware so I can use the smart TV. There is no suggestion of replacement, compensation, upgrade or at least a voucher with percentages that reduce the price of additional hardware. This is an obvious company that does not care about the customer.

Hi there,


Welcome to the community.

There has been some discussion about other options on this thread and also here that may be useful for you.


Best wishes,
