
VAT refund problems

I recently bought a Sony tv and there wasn't a European Guarantee Information Document enclosed. I phoned the helpline on the 'Get the VAT-back with Sony' brochure and Adil told me that the till receipt was the European Guarantee. This seems logical as we are in the EU. However, I have been informed that my claim has been rejected, even though I put a note on the form and the call reference number.

I phoned the helpline this morning and I have been told to send a letter giving the details. As I only have 28 days to appeal, concidering possible postal delays due to bad weather, and the fact that I have explained the situation over the phone, and been unable to speak to a team leader as requested, and put the information in writing on the application form, what can I do?

Does anyone know that the elusive European Guarantee Information Document looks like and can Sony send one to me so that I can send it to their promotion company in order to claim my VAT back?

As you can possible guess, I am a very dissatisfied customer!



This is definitely a scam. No one i know who bought products because of this offer have received anything back and it's adding up to about 50 people now on our works' email system. We are sending our complaints to watchdog and the trading ombudsman after Xmas because those that have been refused have been given so many different reasons why they are not eligible and the rest just haven't been processed yet. No more Sony stuff for any of us from now on.

Hi all

Firstly, please accept my apologies for any delays you have been experiencing in receiving your claims. This has understandably been a very popular promotion and whilst that doesn't excuse the times its taken to process some claims, it goes some way to explaining why they may have taken a little longer than we otherwise would have liked.

I think I have PM'd several people on this thread requesting further information on the individual claims so they can be looked into by my colleagues, so please do forward the details over so they can be looked into after the bank holiday when I'm sure we'll be able to get everything resolved.

Warm regards


You haven't PM'd me so  I just want to let you know that I have my "new" receipt from the shop and am sending it registered post on Wed (soonest I can get to the post office).   There should be no more excuses from Sony unless of course, the time actually runs out before they receive my "new" claim.



Catmambo this is just disgraceful, it is almost two months now since you registered my claim for VAT back and still no payment.

So much for the PM which I promptly replied to with my details so that your colleague could urgently chase my claim, well what a joke, a week has passed since the holiday and not a peep from anyone concerning repaying the VAT.

Guess my next move is to complain to Trading Standards.

"This has understandably been a very popular promotion and whilst that doesn't excuse the times its taken to process some claims, it goes some way to explaining why they may have taken a little longer than we otherwise would have liked."

No it doesn't. Did you really believe some customers would buy products and prefer to pay the VAT given the option of getting it back??

I was skeptical about this offer right from the start, when the dodgy salesman seemed more interested in it as a buying-highlight than the actual camera I was buying.

Needless to say, despite sending the required documents by registered post to Sony last November I am still waiting for the money.

I think it's disgraceful but this very thread on Sony's own website quite clearly shows us where their priorities lie. They've got our money; the customer experience is over. I would venture to say they do not give a monkey's or else they would sort it out and remove this bad publicity.

So Catmambo  no reply, you were quick enough to jump in with" warm regards"the other day but have backed away now just like Sony's promissses of refunding VAT on goods bought just before Christmas.

Its all a SCAM, take the money don't honour the pledges!!!!

I bought a tv early November and was late getting the stuff sent off but it was within 28 days and I paid £5 recorded delivery.  It took me ages to realise that the European Guarantee Document they wanted was that small leaflet printed in 100 languages that you usually toss out with the wrappings.  Sony replied that I had not enclosed the invoice but I knew I had because the saleman printed me off an extra copy.  I sent another copy and paid another £5, this would be maybe the second week in December, so all caught up in the Christmas post.  I received my cheque yesterday, so not a scam! (Haven't paid it in yet, mind you...)

I bought my TV on November 1st and logged the claim the following day.

Has anyone had any success in recieving this money?

I'm getting pretty annoyed that I can't seem to get through to anyone that will help.


I had previously written here that when I contacted the helpline they said they had no record of my claim.  I hadnt registered my documents so thought they had gotten lost in the post!   I received a letter from Sony in Dubin on Friday saying I had forgotten to enclose the european guarantee, so they had received my documents (over 6 weeks ago) and now they reply to me looking for the guarantee document.  In the meantime, I have sent new documents to the address in the UK (registered post at over €5) and now today I had to get the european guarantee stamped by the shop and will send it registered post tomorrow.   Interestingly, the shop told me they didnt know about the european document having to be sent and therefore had not told any of their customers to include it with the claim which meant they had several customers returning to the shop to have the document stamped!  what a palava!!  Will update if I ever receive a cheque................

I am yet another dissatisfied customer whosd claim was refused because the value was 'unclear' - ridiculous - it was clearly set out on a John Lewis invoice.

Sony are obviously trying to frustrate genuine claims - we must be just the tip of the iceberg. Suggest we involve a consumer organisation. Any suggestions?