Share your experience!
Hello and sorry for my bad english.......
the vaio that i bought is my first notebook and i will use it the most as desktop, so my question, concerning the battery, is it better to let it inside while the computer is connected to electricity or is it better just to put the battery inside as i use it as a mobile computer ?
for the battery life i mean
thanks for help.....
It's as good as!
£12.50? For what?
For calling Sony support outside the warranty period. They charge a flat rate of £12.50 per incident. Not very nice. Still some support is better than no support.
Makes me wonder if I should bother with VAIO-Plus warranty extension for 2 extra years - it costs £169.99 (inc.VAT) the last time I checked.
Shop around James, you can get a good deal on VAIO+
Do you really think its worth it? I know I have to act quite fast before the original warranty expires.
I'm going to get the warranty extension, not just cos of the outrageous fee I just heard about but in case something goes horribly wrong. It might perhaps be a bit more essential on laptops though cos it's tough to replace bits yourself.
Do you really think its worth it?