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Bluetooth radio?? [:((]


Bluetooth radio?? [:((]

what is that? and why is my brand new shiny vaio saying that it cant connect to bluetooth because my bluetooth radio isnt connected :cry:
any ideas appreciated
Jess from London:smileyhappy:


what is that? and why is my brand new shiny vaio saying that it cant connect to bluetooth because my bluetooth radio isnt connected :cry: 
any ideas appreciated
Jess from London:smileyhappy:

Welcome :smileygrin:

You neglect to say which model of Vaio you have :slight_frown:

Is there a "Wireless" switch and if so, is it switched ON :thinking:

Bluetooth radio?
Never heard of it

Bluetooth radio?
Never heard of it

almost 33,000 posts on a computer forum and you've never heard of this term :thinking:

a bluetooth radio is simply a device that sends bluetooth signals, in basic terms, it is the.. well.. radio.. but trying to think of another name to use here.. possibly could be called a device.. think of it as the dongle that plugs into your usb port, or built into your Vaio, etc.

the bluetooth radio is the dongle, just the name its called.

anyway back to the original problem :slight_smile: If you are receiving the above error then it means that your blueooth device on either your Vaio or the other device (phone) is not on. Has your Vaio got built in bluetooth, if so make sire its on. If it hasn't, then make sure your bluetooth adaptor / dongle / radio is plugged in.

Do the same on the other device and their should be no problems.


Naughty Kee-Lo :laughing: :laughing:

Well just over 2000 posts and I have never heard of it either and I use Bluetooth:smileygrin:

I did tell him to make sure its switched on if its built in :smileygrin:

Well we live and learn..........

yes we certainly do, we wouldn't learn half as well if we didn't make mistakes along the way to help us figure out where we need to improve upon. :slight_smile:

to be honest William you hit the nail direct on the head with making sure its switched on, also taking a step backwards you asked what model the guy was using, as its highly possible that the model doesn't have bluetooth, and we can't switch something on which isn't their to be used in the first place!

ah well guess its down to JLi to reply and let us know the model, as it might not have bluetooth and windows may be trying to use the native bluetooth drivers from XP Service Pack 2 etc. and no dongle is plugged in.

Normally people just call it Bluetooth here