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CDr and CDRW with sonic stage....what's the ******' pb again with sonicstage 3.3 ?


CDr and CDRW with sonic stage....what's the ******' pb again with sonicstage 3.3 ?

Edited title - Profanity


I tried to use the option in SonicStage 3.3: Create an Audio CD.
After transferring the files I pushed the burn button. SonicStage showed the activity of "transferring files" and after a few minutes the burning process started. The warning light in the CD burner equipment blinked as usual, indicating that files were being burned onto a CD disk.
After about 6 minutes a notice appeared saying that the burning process was successful, and I was kindly requested to push the OK buttion in order to eject the disk.

To my surprise the disk still is blank. Nothing seems to have been recorded. I tried several times, but without success. My pc indicates that the disk is a blank one and that it can be used.
I checked the CD burner by copying a disk. That process was o.k., so there is nothingh wrong with the equipment.

It works with CDRW, with surprise....but not with Cdr.....why ?
Thanks in advance.


There's an option to test rather than write a CD - perhaps that's getting stuck on in some hidden settings dialog - then again perhaps its just a bug in SS. I haven't upgraded my 2.3 SS to 3.3 yet, but you're making me stick with what I've got, even though 2.3 has its own problems.

Export to WAV or MP3 and then using something else to write the CD is looking more attractive. If your files are protected you may need to use the (freeware) HiMD renderer to get an MP3 out of SS.

Sorry I can't be any more help.