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I have a VGN-A317S and I am trying to update my ClickDVD 1.0 to 2.x... The Vaio support site tells me that the upgrade program has been already downloaded (my computer was a demo version at the dealer) and I cannot download it anymore. Where can I get ClickDVD upgrade 2.3 please??
Go directly to Vaio-Link drivers and updates and download it from there.
Thanks Rich!!! Did not know this link.. used to go via the Vaio update and would not give it to me.
Problem solved!
Rich.... still an issue...
When loading 2.3 upgrade, the system tells me that it is missing Click DVD 2.0 to upgrade. When I run Click DVD, the file I have says 2.3 into the file directory but runs as Click DVD 1.0.
Is there a way to reset the laptop with the original ClickDVD version as shipped to set this right? As it was a demo model, I assume that somebody did run the upgrade but not correctly and the system goes back to its original version 1.0.