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Connecting a projector to a PCV-V1/G can it be done


Connecting a projector to a PCV-V1/G can it be done

Connecting a projector to a PCV-V1/G can it be done, well the title says it all really. I need to know if it is possible to connect a projector to a PCV-V1 if so how. I am thinking the the answer will be no. please I am about to buy a new PC otherwise[]
Can a projector connect to a USB for output ?
Help please!!!!:smileyconfused:


The only ways that I know of connecting a high end projector to computer is through S-Video, composite or RGB. All pcs should come with RGB output as most monitors are connected to it. If not you can buy a PCI card from pc world with S-video output.

Hope this was of some help.