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Did a full recovery, everything is working so well, also the drivers. question: What is really the purpose of firmware/ updates?????? And what if you don't download them???:smileyconfused:
Firmware updates usually fix bugs or improve functionality.
For instance CD/DVD drives often have firmware updates to improve compatibility with ever increasing amount of CD/DVD media available or to cope with higher speed writing.
Bios updates do much the same thing - fix bugs/improve compatibilty.
Both should be used with caution as there are risks. If something goes wrong with the update then you could be left with a non working drive/computer.
Thanks man! I think I can do it in a later stadium, evrything is working so well, now I got a upgraded 1g internal memory and did a recovery (the drives didn't work before because of the printer(hp) software wich I throw away, nothing won't f*ck up my vaio!) and this vaio is so fast!!! So I wouldn't dare now to make things worser, if there isn't something bad going on, if you don't agreed please let me know then offcourse I install them, thanks
If its doing all you want don't worry about the firmware updates.
As for the HP printer - If it was the HP software causing the problem you could install the printer and use Windows XP's own printer driver.
Best wishes,
As a general rule if it isn't broken don't try and fix it. I ignore firmware updates unless something is wrong or it includes something new and wonderful.
I always try not to update the firmware unless something is seriously messed up, or unless it does something really worthwhile.
Lmao you complete plagiarist that's what I just said. You just reworded it.
Not intentionally anyway....
Graphics cards now have firmware too.
The only exception for me was that Sony insist on updating Phoenix NoteBIOS 4.0 Release 6.0 to Revision R0110X1 (was R0104X1) in preparation for MS's SP2...
Firmware updates for the DVD drive enabled seemless DVD playback and better disk recognition...
I would like to think for the slight risk involved that there is always a worthwhile reason for any firmware update.
James - Just wonder what Sony's reaction would have been if the bios update went pear shaped?
Although I always ask others to exercise extreme caution I am the worlds worst and always perform firmware updates. No problems thus far:smileywink: