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Hi Guys
Hi guys I have fiew questions
1) In the vaio European site there are some OS (windows XP) system updates do I need to install all of them or the most up to date?
Arnt the same as the XP updates Im downloding verry often automatic...?
2)Im thinking to install Linux. Any experience on that???
3) Also this my hard drive works alot. even if my computer is idle the hard drive working all time....what can i do??
4) Any proper step by step instruction for correct bios so the mem can run at 266??
We could investigate the ASUS problem by checking the country of origin
for every ASUS whith the slot problem...
So we could reach an outcome on which VAIOS are likely to produce the ram slot problem.
Do you know if also the new Vaios have the same problem??
Also is it a more USA vaio problem ar just is more reported up there?
I m thinking of upgrting now my bios to the 246 one, but still afraid
that something goes wrong.....
anyway thanks a lot guys
It's hard to tell where the problems lie, it's not just a US thing or a UK thing.
Of course the final decision rests with you and it is not for the faint hearted, but I have upgraded two GRX CPU's and flashed the bios of each laptop twice without any issues..
Initially to RO220 and then to RO246.
Its very euphoric when your laptop comes back to life - Especially when one belongs to someone else.
I find the GRX is more than suitable for my work still.
Ye the more euphoric when your laptop comes back to life,
the more devastating when wont come back.....
Thanks guys
Ye the more euphoric when your laptop comes back to life,
the more devastating when wont come back.....