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Help....Recovery Utility on VGN-FS115E


Help....Recovery Utility on VGN-FS115E

I have been have having problems with my Laptop for some time and it was suggested that I run the System Recovery Untility from the disks created after buying the laptop.

The problem I am now having is that when I get to disk number 3 of 4, the recovery stops with the following error... "An erro has ocurred while vreating the recovery partition" and then I have to start the whole process again only to get the same error. The Laptop has now ina state where it cannot be used as it cannot find an operating system.

Please please help


I guess you'll have to order the recovery CDs from Sony.

Hi debracates and welcome to Club Vaio.

Restore your system from the recovery partition on the hard drive (press F10 repeatedly when you first turn on your computer).

Once up and running again download the Recovery Utility update from Vaio-Link.

I hope that this solves the problem.

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Thanks for the advice. When I switch the laptop on and press F10 nothing happen apart from a message on a black screen saying "Error loading operating system".... this does not look good to me???

No that doesn’t sound good! Have you pressed F10 repeatedly – not just once?

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Pressed F10 repeatedly until the message quoted before appeared

If you are unable to access the recovery partition by tapping F10 then it would appear that it is corrupted.

Try tapping F2 at boot (to enter the BIOS settings), re-set the BIOS to default settings and then save and try tapping F10 again at boot..

If this has no effect then it would seem that the first suggestion, from Griffith, is your only option. Replacement recovery disks cost approx £50 but before ordering make sure that they include the Recovery Utility update as otherwise you could end up with the same problem.

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Resetting the BOIS did not help. Could you tell me how/where I can order receovery disks and do you think I would be able to order just the 3rd disk as this is where the whole recovery process falls down

Again thanks for your help

Unfortunately you cannot order just one disk – the set or nothing; crazy I know but that is the way it is.

Have a look here for support contact information.

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Thank you to those who took the time to read my post and for the gratefully received response.

In the end I contacted Sony who were not interested in discussing what the possibilities were. After a much heated "discussion, all they wanted was £53(for a set of receovery disks); a copy of my purchase invoice; a copy of a Microsoft certificate and a signed declaration that I will be using the disks for my personal use and not sell it on????

After turning my study into a war zone looking for the receipt, I thought that in one last attempt to make sure that I was not £53 poorer for what could be a useless feat. I "googled " my plight and found a suggestion to re-copy the problem disks. I did this and now have a fully recovered laptop.