Share your experience!
Hello all,
This is my first post here and i am wondering if you can give me a hint about the following problem.
I have the Vaio VGNA 397XP with 1Gb Ram (Processor is intel centrino 2 running in 2GHz with 2Mb cache), ordered in May 2005.
The general performance of the laptop was great until the last 3-4 weeks that some strange behaviour started.
The performance of the laptop suddenly without a reason drop down for 10 to 30 seconds and then the computer recover back to normal speed.
In this period i check everything without notice any problem on software and hardware. The last 2 weeks the problem was more intensive and the computer stop recovers anymore.
I download and install the CPUZ application to check the timing and the processor speed because i was a little bit confused of the above situation and i noticed the following:
1. The speed of the processor was not on 2Ghz but on 800 Mhz (in the Power management the option "Always on" is selected)
2. When one application or game running then the processor jump to 2GHz and after the load procedure completed the speed drop down to 800 MHz or even worst to 500 Mhz and in that case is also droped down the bus speed from 533 Mhz to 200Mhz.
3. Even when i change the Power scheme to adaptive and performance the previous are not changed
4. There is not diference if the laptop is cool or hot.
5. The laptop is really hot in some cases, There is really high temperature on the top of the keyboard (but is not so high as it was before the problem starts)
Is it a hardware problem?
I appreciate any help or hint.
Thank you in advance.
I think if you reinstall the utilities you might see better performance, as it sounds like the application isn't working as it was
it looks like reinstalled vaio power management is needed for things to work right...
thanks kee-lo
interesting. my a317m has the same issue. my speed is 798MHz instead of 1.37Ghz... with sudden jumps from time to time, when I execute something. and it just started to happens that way without any reason... I will try re-installing utilities one more time.
and, just to make everything more interesting, intel Processor Indentification Utl. reports both expected & reported speed to be the same 1.73GHz?!?! Personally I think cpuz is right... but still I am a bit confused.
Anyone had this problem ?
Hello again
Thanks kee-lo for your answer but is not worked for me.
i reinstall the utilities (vaio power management tools) and something change. Now when the computer is in idle then CpuZ reports 1995 Mhz, but again when i run an application (game mostly) that strees the computer, i have the same problems.
The cpu after 10 seconds drop down to 450-550 Mhz while the FSB goes down to 45-46 Mhz and Bus Speed down to 200 MHz
When i quit the application then after 1 min or 2 all came back to normal.
it looks like reinstalled vaio power management is needed for things to work right...
thanks kee-lo
Hi Panosha and welcome to the forum.
Your problem may possibly be temperature related, and I appreciate that you say that “There is not difference if the laptop is cool or hot”. But as the CPU approaches critical heat level the power management will reduce the processor speed in an attempt to reduce the temperature. This tallies with the fact that the reduced speed occurs when the system is under load and then returns to normal when idle.
I suggest that you download MobileMeter and report back to us the CPU reading.
Thank you for the information, and for your answer
I download the application and i report the following results:
Normal procedure no appliacation is running except Msn and startup applications that always started
Frequency : 2.00 Ghz
Temperature : 90-91 C
HDD #0 : 46-47 C
Charge Rate : 0,08 W
When a stretch application (game) is running
Frequency : 550 Mhz
Temperature : started from 94 and in the next 5 minutes goes up to 97 with max to 98 and stays there.
HDD #0 : 47 C
Charge Rate : 0,08 W
I think is a little bit high, but how is that happened when the fan is working full? (the noise is quite high and very annoying to ignore)
Thank you in advance
How long have you had it?
Sounds like it might need cleaning, but if it's only a few weeks old then it really needs to go back to VAIO-Link for repairs
Hello Kee-Lo and thanks for your reply
This situation is almost about a month maybe a little bit more (5-6 weeks), but is getting worst the last 2-3 weeks.
Cleaning? you meen internal cleaning?
And that means that the continuation of working in the laptop may damage the processor or any other part?