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My Vaio is running slow


My Vaio is running slow

Hello all,

This is my first post here and i am wondering if you can give me a hint about the following problem.

I have the Vaio VGNA 397XP with 1Gb Ram (Processor is intel centrino 2 running in 2GHz with 2Mb cache), ordered in May 2005.
The general performance of the laptop was great until the last 3-4 weeks that some strange behaviour started.
The performance of the laptop suddenly without a reason drop down for 10 to 30 seconds and then the computer recover back to normal speed.
In this period i check everything without notice any problem on software and hardware. The last 2 weeks the problem was more intensive and the computer stop recovers anymore.

I download and install the CPUZ application to check the timing and the processor speed because i was a little bit confused of the above situation and i noticed the following:

1. The speed of the processor was not on 2Ghz but on 800 Mhz (in the Power management the option "Always on" is selected)
2. When one application or game running then the processor jump to 2GHz and after the load procedure completed the speed drop down to 800 MHz or even worst to 500 Mhz and in that case is also droped down the bus speed from 533 Mhz to 200Mhz.
3. Even when i change the Power scheme to adaptive and performance the previous are not changed
4. There is not diference if the laptop is cool or hot.
5. The laptop is really hot in some cases, There is really high temperature on the top of the keyboard (but is not so high as it was before the problem starts)

Is it a hardware problem?

I appreciate any help or hint.

Thank you in advance.


By “how long have you had it” I think that Kee-Lo is asking how old is your notebook. If it is fairly new then cleaning the vents should not be necessary but that said you have a serious heat problem with the CPU that needs addressing asap.

Cleaning the vents does not necessarily involve opening the notebook as this can be achieved with a can of compressed air directed at the ventilation slots. Don’t get too close as this can over rotate and damage the fan.

Go n-éirí an bóthar leat

When the CPU reaches about 93C then passive cooling will come into effect. The whole computer will slow down dramatically to try & reduce the temperature. It sounds as though the cooling fans aren't running properly or are blocked.

At 99C the computer will just turn off.

Your CPU is running far too hot and you need to get it looked at and/or cleaned ASAP.


Hello and thanks for the reply.

The notebook is purchased at May 2005 so it is 8 months old.

Thank you all for anwering here, i will contact with Sony e-support for further details and i report here with the results.