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According to the BBC at Sony have bowed to market pressure at last.
Sony faught the customer, and the customer won!
They Ipod is a style icon and the Sony device looks a bit naff next to it so they need to be a bit more realistic on price - It (Sony) said the 20 gigabyte device, released on Europe in September, would be about £55 cheaper than the top iPod model, which has 40 gigabytes of memory.
It'll probably be heavily discounted in a couple of months time.
Lol they're going to have to do better than that.
Well, we'll see. :smileythinking: I'd love to see Sony get record sales for this new gizmo. :smileygrin:
I wouldn't
Yeah - you'd love to see Apple's sales go through the roof for the iPod...:smileytongue:
They have already
Drat, Drat and Double Drat!
Come on Sony!!!
Come to think of it, a VAIO Pocket for me would be handy on occasions because of the data HDD feature...
Just like iPod then :smileygrin: