Optical out no longer working


Optical out no longer working

The optical out on my Desktop PCV-RX1 no longer works (no familiar red light when playing a sound source and no recording possible into my MiniDisc). Have tried every imaginable control panel and setting but cannot find anything that relates to this function. Soundcard is Yamaha AC-XG (factory fitted). Wondering if this has anything to do with installation of XP Service Pack 1 a while back...


Probably related to the SP1 update. Make sure you download and install the latest drivers from www.vaio-link.com


Been there done that I'm afraid. Latest driver available from Vaio Link is which is what I have. Can't seem to roll back either so any ideas where to get hold of an older driver would be useful.


Your original driver will be on the last disk of your recovery disk set - have you tried the solutions posted in your previous requests for help with this problem?



Thanks for reminding me about my previous post. I had forgotten about that one completely, assuming it was to a completely different forum :smileyblush:

I did try the suggestion at the time but wasn't able to rollback due to no previous driver being available according to the audio hardware properties. I think I kinda gave up at that point until yesterday when I wanted to use the optical out to record to minidisc (the soundcard itself has always worked, it's just that port that hassling me).

Anyway I decided to try what you suggested and reinstall from my original disks but every time I removed the driver it would automatically reinstall the 2152 (faulty) version on restart. Can't seem to force an install of an older version???

Digging around the other recent posts I came across the ftp://ftp.vaio-link.com/PUB/Drivers/Audio/ listing. Should I be trying to install the acd_yam_613103152.exe version (hoping I won't get a "this driver is not for this model" error of course) i.e. what I assume is the "latest" version? Vaio Link support lists the 2152 as the most up to date driver for my PCV-RX1 so as you probably imagine I'm a little confused.

Thanks for all your help so far.


Phew! Did it. 'twas a long journey but finally I have rolled back to the unsigned driver version from the original CD (v5.12.1.2141 according to its properties) and my optical out is finally glowing red!

One thing to note for anyone who is attempting this too is that the manual install of the unsigned driver wouldn't allow me to overwrite a couple of the files (e.g. yacxg.sys)with the older version so I just left them as the newer and touch wood it's working OK.

So am I to expect that the next service pack will stick me back where I came from or will Yamaha and Sony work together to sort their drivers out... Can't help feeling a little cheated that I'm not using what is suposed to be the latest drivers :slight_frown:


Pleased you found the problem - it's a bit weird that the old drivers actually work with SP1 :thinking: Sounds like you've found got half one and half the other drivers - still .... if it works then don't repair it :slight_smile: :


Yeah strange, but cool that it's all fixed :smileygrin: