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Does anyone know if there is suitable power supply for the PCG-K215B for use in a car (12v cig socket). I have seen a few on the market but none of them output at 19.5v, only 19 or 20.
What would be the consequences of using a 19v output, and how important is the 6.15A output?
Have you looked at Belkin? Usually they're very helpful with support on finding the right product to suit your needs.
Have you considered using a power inverter? You plug this into the cigarette lighter socket and the box of tricks provides you with 240v AC power (up to approx 150w).
Yeah, I had a look at the Belkin site and it looks like I can pick up a suitable inverter for about £40. Seems like a better option than trying to track down a specialised power supply. It looks a bit bulky, but then I suppose I'll just leave it in the car for when I need it.
Thanks for the help guys. 🙂
No problem.
I just bought a power supply for my GRT series. 12V dc in, 19 V dc out at 6.3 amps; 120 watts max. These are a little hard to find with that much wattage, The cost was US $40.00. If interested go to eBay and look at item 3494459485.
as long as it less than 70W. maplin sell a in car power unit for £14.99. it runs off the fag-ligther.
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