
PCV-RX1 "audio"

Bonjour à tous :slight_smile:

1/ J'aimerai savoir si le fait de changer mon chipset son contre une carte qui impliquerait
l'ouverture de mon PCV-RX1 ferait sauter la garantie?

2/ Il y at'il des personnes qui on rencontré un problème au niveau du son (bruit de friture)même lorsque le chipset son est désactivé?Car moi c'est mon cas et le sav VAIO trouve qu'il ne semble pas avoir de problème.Que si je voulais je pourrai envoyer l'ordinateur au SAV,mais que s'ils ne trouvaient rien d'anormal ils me factureraient les frais.

A quoi cela sert il d'avoir un SAV si l'on ne peut s'en servir :cry:

Merci d'avance pour vos réponses qui me seront de grande utilité.


Hi !
I will translate my question in english:
I'd like toknow if I change the audio chipset on my desktop ,if the warranty won't be void?
I had a problem with the sound of my computer.There was noise even when I close some function like the microphone entry.
Is there anybody who mets this problem.
I make music and it's a shame for me.

I asked Sony to resolve my problem.They told me they can't.
Either I send them the computer ,if they find something they will repair Or they don't find anything and I have to Pay the transport :anguished: :angry:
They don't care of customers,I think.
Thank you for your reply.
C .U
PS:smileygrin:on't pay attention to mistakes


Thanks for translating your question, unfortunately I do not speak your beautiful language.

When you say "there was noise" what do you mean? Are you saying you can hear other sounds or music or do you mean bad noises like static or crackling?

Is your VAIO still under warranty? If so and you change any hardware components, I strongly suspect this will void the warranty. Hopefully someone from Sony will give a difinitive answer.


The RX1 has on-board sound capabilities, so you cannot simply change the audio chipset.

If it is under warranty/gurantee, then get your retailer to look at it/exchange it, or a authorised Sony Repair Centre which deals with warranties.

When you say sounds, I assume you mean static, or interference, and not just sounds coming from your PC which you don't know you're making.
There is also a very slight possibility that the sounds coming from your speakers are radio broadcasts ! :anguished:
Sometimes, speakers set in a particular configuration can act as an antenna and pick up radio broadcasts, which produce sounds not normal to your PC.
(I can actually pick up some European stations - but thats another story) :tongue:

If you have passed your waranty time, then things get a little more complicated.
Disable on-board sound in your BIOS, and purchase a seperate audio card (Soundblaster etc), is the simplest non-technical answer.


I have a similar problem and I would like to chek if other users of VAIOs experience the same problem:
the microphone section has a very poor signal to noise ratio and there is a continuos cracking sound in the background.

There is a simple test to check it: start the sound recorder with no microphone and then play back with high volume: you will listen the cracking easily.

PAY ATTENTION: shoul you be interested in using a speech recognition sw (as Dragon Dictate) you will have problem because of this noise.

Does somebody has some suggestion?


I thank you all for your reply.

My Vaio is under warranty,so I think I 'll bring it to my retailer.

The noise on the audio is like a frying oil.

Nough,we have the same problem ,I think .

I did the same test ,with high volume.Same results :slight_frown:

I expect to change the chipset by an audio card,and to disable the chipset on the bios :smileyrolling_eyes:

I make music .It's very unpleasant to use Cubase in this condition. :angry:

Musically yours...

Cutee :cool:

P.S:smileygrin:on't pay attention to mistakes :wink:


how did it all go?? my speakers also make a noise like "frying oil" i have a sony rx305 windows xp home


i think im going to ring up sony. the "frying oil" sound goes away if i restart!!!! :angry: :angry:

its really annoying!!