Share your experience!
Hi guys!
I am a newcomer to VAIO family as I recently purchased a VGB FS 315B notebook.
I tried to connect it to our office LAN (10/100 Ethernet) however after at least 50 tries, till today I did nothing but spend some time in a worthless way.
The strange thing is that my laptop connects to the internet (DSL line) through the very same LAN connection, however it is IMPOSSIBLE to see the rest computers connected to our office network.
Any ideas on this?
PS. Any hint on what exactly is the network connection 1394?
I think you can try this:
you should disable the device with the name 1394 network connection. right click and disable. and the computer will automaticly choose the Intel network card.
I hope this will work.
Vincent Jacobs
Thank you pal! I`ll try this right away....
Keep you informed!
I did it but nothing changed.... Thank you anyway...
Hi Eftichis welcome to the Forum
Is your FS315B workgroup name the same as the office workgroup name
Contact the network administrator, he should be informed when a new computer wants to get access to the network. Perhaps he has put up a mac-adress firewall, or any other security rule to prevent outside computers to gain access.
I take it you've run the network wizard and set the workgroup to be the same as your office network?
Could be lots of things - your Network Administrator may need to assign you a specific IP address.
As a matter of interest, can other computers on the Network see your compter? If so, check your Computer Browser is running - this keeps a list of all PCs on the network and may not be updating.
Of course it has the same name. I have connected 5 IBM NetVistas into the very same network, and all can see both internet and also each other. Only my laptop cannot see the rest of the workgroup members (only internet).
Of course it has the same name. I have connected 5 IBM NetVistas into the very same network, and all can see both internet and also each other.
I have the same problem with my Vaio laptop. It seems to reject other PC's despite being connected. Download Windows server 2003 and run the command window and type in this exactly
net user guest /active:yes
ntrights +r SeNetworkLogonRight -u Guest.