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Severe difficulties accessing USB ports with ease?


Severe difficulties accessing USB ports with ease?

Is this a design fault or am I missing something?

Accessing the little hub at the bottom, back right of my screen - to plug in ariels, removeable drives etc - is near on impossible as you have a 3 inch square and deep box to fit your hand in and the direct the wires (when you cant see anything!).

Is this really a fucntional design fault or does the back have a removeable part I am missing?

Many thanks


I might also add that in order to get to this section to plug devices in I am having to tip a very expensive and heavy device on its head and struggle away with a small torch held between my teeth!!!! cant be right ?

Who knows.

Maybe you should buy a hub to make it easier?


Heh heh heh, I've got the V2M and I have to agree, it's a bugger to plug things in the back of it! I'm only thankful that there are 2 USB ports on the side!

Seriously though, if you're refering to a similar model, you can slide the back up a bit. Doesn't help that much TBH, but it's slightly more accessable that when the back's in it's closed possition!


Hi there - glad someone knows what I am talking about and that you agree! Cant believe - someone would design such a thing - its all very well making it look good and not like a computer.. but it still has to do computer things. This design makes it a real chore everytime i need to plug or unplug something. I might video myself and send it to sony.... suggest they use it for a new advert :smileygrin:

But seriously tho what with all its other blips - it makes me all :cry: ....

*pauses to test the sliding back*
aaaaah - that has allowed me better access you are right, thanks alot for that mate. Still not perfect but shouldnt require all the dangerous acrobatics now.. bless ya xxx



Lovin' the idea of a home video! :laughing: I think all VGC owners should do this! I usualy end up crouching on the floor with a torch balanced on the edge of the desk while cursing the day I ever thought, "Wow, what a sexy PC, I simply must have one!" More research in future I feel!

Although, that said, once you've got it all set up the way you want it, with the video in, optical out and all the other odds and sods, it's nice and neat and tidy, so I guess it's worth the initial pain of set-up.

Someone above suggested a USB hub and I've got to admit it's a good idea. I've got one and it does save a lot of faffing about. They're quite cheap, so might be worth a thought! :wink: Doesn't solve the problem of adding or removing AV equipment though!


Thanks for feedback again, sorry for delays not been on here to check for replies for some time.
LOL @ your process description.. its unreal isnt it :grin:

Someone above suggested a USB hub and I've got to admit it's a good idea. I've got one and it does save a lot of faffing about. They're quite cheap, so might be worth a thought! :wink: Doesn't solve the problem of adding or removing AV equipment though!

That's what I do with the RA104, as it can't see in the dark