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Smashed My Remote Plug...How and Where Can I Get it Fixed??


Smashed My Remote Plug...How and Where Can I Get it Fixed??

...Majorly fed up. Took a ride in my car yesterday not realising than the plug of the Vaio Pocket's remote (RM-VSC2) was trapped in the door and hanging on the ground, so, basically...It got utterly mashed up on the road when moving.

Looks something like this:

...Pretty nasty huh? I'm so narked off, i've had this player a month, such a fool!

To look at this on the bright side, the other end of the remote, the display and what not, was inside the car so was unharmed. Simply, it's just the connector shown in the picture which has suffered damage.

The main issue is i need to get it fixed. I'm already down as i really wanted it for my trip to Russia next week, which won't happen. So, where can i get this thing fixed, who do i email etc etc?

Thanks guys, you've been real helpful in the past, hope you can help now.


In he short term consider just plugging in non remote control headphones, at least you can take it to Russia.


Yeh, i will...Just hate having to use the unit, i love the remotes for Sony stuff. That was the main reason i went for the VAIO.

...Most importantly, where, and what do i have to do to get this fixed???


Yeh, i will...Just hate having to use the unit, i love the remotes for Sony stuff.  That was the main reason i went for the VAIO.

...Most importantly, where, and what do i have to do to get this fixed???

Seek and ye shall find ...



Sadly, i don't have $90 (including P&P) to spend on a new remote...However, this is new. It's just the connector that's mashed to pieces. Simply needs that bit cut off and replacing, can't be a hard job.

...Sony do repairs don't they??? Who do i have to get in touch with?

Unfortunately very few companies do ‘repairs’ these days. I have a feeling that you will have to buy the complete part, but have a word with Sony Support.

Go n-éirí an bóthar leat

Sadly, i don't have $90 (including P&P) to spend on a new remote...However, this is new.  It's just the connector that's mashed to pieces.  Simply needs that bit cut off and replacing, can't be a hard job. 

...Sony do repairs don't they??? Who do i have to get in touch with?

Hmmmm .... $90 which is about £50 is probably as cheap as you are going to buy the part.

Unfortunately, spares are usually expensive.

I understand you only need the connector, but even if this is available and only costs a few pounds (unlikely) you would then need it fitted by someone who knows what they are doing.

The conector plug is not a seperate item but forms part of a moulded cord set. It is more lilely that the whole cable would need to be replaced.

In my opinion with parts and labour and postage all this is unlikely to cost less than £50.

Sorry to say. but you may be better of just biting the bullet and getting a whole new remote.


This is the worst thing ever...God, i'm so angry.

...I'll email Sony Support and report back.



Hey, back already!

"Dear Customer,

Due to some maintainance procedures, the e-Support website is not available from 00:01 until 01:00.
Please try again later.

The Support Team"

...What!? It's been like that for 2 days now...Mmm???


Hey, back already!  

"Dear Customer,

Due to some maintainance procedures, the e-Support website is not available from 00:01 until 01:00.
Please try again later.

The Support Team"

...What!? It's been like that for 2 days now...Mmm???

hello again

If you are in the UK try putting your postcode in here and selecting Walkman and portable audio from the second drop down.

This will show you your nearest SONY service centres.
Hope this helps.
