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Sony Vaio PCG-V505AP won't even switch on - HELP!


Sony Vaio PCG-V505AP won't even switch on - HELP!

This evening after using my Sony Vaio notebook twice during the day, it would not switch on at all.

The power cable/adapter are working as the green light on the cable is lights up.

The notebook itself has twice made some whirring and rattling noises twice in the last week and yesterday it was so hot you couldn't touch underneath it.

Does anyone know what has happened to my beloved notebook. It is two years old but I still want to keep it. Help!



Well...I have the same notebook and had same type of problems, check you cpu fan assembly see if fan has stopped working if it has you may have overcooked your CPU chip and laptop will not start. Sometimes if your remove the cpu cooler part and apply new thermal paste to chip it may fix problem, or like me you may have to order new cpu/fan assembly.