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I took this pc in order to work with photoshop, primiere, etc,etc.
But, it does not look as fast as it should be(2.8 - 512 RAM).
Most of the time the Task Monitoring shows 100% when I try to do something.
That's odd. On the older 115s DVD playback worked smoothly even when not on the performance setting, and what's more I could run a whole heap of background tasks as well without so much as a stutter. I've see a few people mention this and I'm inclined to think it's a problem at their end rather than I just have a super-laptop lol.
Adobe Photoshop also ran superbly until SP2. Since then it's a dog.
TT I agree, but i think it was a combination of a software quirk (the cause of many wierd problems) and firmware problems.
Since updating the firmware to version US06 and downloading the R0110X1 Phoenix BIOS update, DVD playback is superb and multitasking is fine - wierd!
However, copying DVD's to the HDD and playing back doesn't work very well with the DVD I tried (Beyond Final Fantasy by SquareSoft) - video clips do not playback well until near the end, but run fine on the DVD drive itself... Any ideas?
I confirm that my K215S is not able to play DVD when power option is not set to performance.
DVD playback is fine on my GRX on adaptive.
I confirm that my K215S is not able to play DVD when power option is not set to performance